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  Using Photoshop to Automate
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-18-2024, 04:51 PM - Forum: Instructions and tools - No Replies

Using Photoshop to Automate:

- This guide is from our member Curswine, (Source) thx a lot!

So what I'm aiming to do is setup a .PSD file in Photoshop that will use a .CSV file to produce thumbnails of all fixtures in a league or cup competition.

What You'll Need:
  • Adobe Photoshop 7 or newer.
  • Google Sheets (Although any spreadsheet software should work.)
  • An advanced text editor (I use Notepad++ (Optional))


Open Photoshop:
  • Start off by creating a new .PSD file in Photoshop and make it 1280x720.
  • Design your fixture layout however you want to, mine looks like this to start off with. My base looked like this.
  • Once you're happy with how it looks, click on the 'Rectangle tool' and drag out a shape where you wish your home team logo to be, also note that this will define how large your logo will appear on your finished design.
  • Here I have chosen to make a 278x278 square and then duplicated it and put the second square where I want my away team logo to appear.
  • Name these layers something obvious as if you don't things may get confusing later. I have named mine 'Home Team Logo' and 'Away Team Logo' respectively.
  • Make a text layer named 'Filename', this doesn't have to show on the image, it can be a hidden layer.
  • Save the .PSD in a folder with the logos that you're going to be using to display as fixtures.

Google Sheets:
  • Open a new sheet and name it however you like.
  • You're now going to have to create your fixtures, this could be done in a number of ways depending on your familiarity with spreadsheet software.
  • My method here was to create two columns, the first one. which I named Home_Logo displayed 111111222222333333444444555555666666, and the second which I called Away_Logo showed 123456123456123456123456123456123456. I then deleted all the entries where the two values were the same since a team cannot play itself. I then sorted the first column so that there were no blank rows.
  • Using Find and Replace (Ctrl+H) I then substituted the numbers for the logo filename; for example 1 as replaced with Banga.png, 2 with Kauno.png etc.
  • I also made sure to add a column called 'Filename' which is what Photoshop will use to name files. I used the two team names separated by an underscore as my filenames: Banga_Kauno. Here's how mine looked.
  • Now it's time to save your file as a .CSV, make sure to save it to the same folder as your .PSD where your logos are located. Your folder should look a bit like this.

Back in Photoshop:
  • Now to link the ,CSV to the .PSD. With your file open navigate to 'Image > Variables > Define...'
  • In the 'Layer' drop down box find your layer that you named 'Home Team Logo' earlier.
  • Tick the 'Pixel Replacement' checkbox and in the 'Name' field type in 'Home_Logo' or whatever you named the column in your .CSV file.
  • Now once that is done navigate again to the 'Layer' drop down box and find the layer named 'Away Team Logo'.
  • Again tick the 'Pixel Replacement' checkbox and in the 'Name' field type 'Away_Logo'.
  • Finally find your 'Filename' layer, click the 'Text Replacement' box, and type in 'Filename'.
  • If you've done this correctly each layer should now have an asterisk (*) next to their name in the drop down box. It should look something like this.
  • Next click on the drop drown box which says 'Define' and click on 'Data Sets'. Alternatively click on 'Prev' or 'Next', they all lead to the same place.
  • In the 'Data Sets' screen click on the button which says 'Import...' and then navigate to where your .CSV file is saved. Also make sure the two check boxes in this window are ticked. Click 'OK'.
  • If everything has gone to plan you should now be able to view all your fixtures with the logos instead of the squares, click through them all to make sure that they work, if not it is best to check that filenames are correct. You may also receive error messages at this stage.

Saving in Photoshop:
  • Once you're happy with everything it's time for saving. Go to 'File > Export > Data Sets as Files...'.
  • This will bring up a menu for you to select where you wish to save your files to and how you wish to name them, if you included a 'Filename' column they should automatically be named this. If not, play around with the options till you get a filename format you're comfortable with.
  • Unfortunately there is no way to export the files directly as .JPG files, so they must first be saved as individual .PSD files , so it's best to make your original .PSD file as light as possible before exporting.
  • Once you've picked a location for your files to be saved and clicked 'OK' to export your files, navigate to 'File > Scripts > Image Processor...'.
  • In the first section of the 'Image Processor' window navigate to your folder full of newly created .PSD files.
  • In the second section I choose 'Save in Same Location', Photoshop will automatically create a 'JPEG' folder.
  • In the third section choose a file quality, 12 is best, here you can also resize the images if you so wish.
  • Click 'Run' and Photoshop will begin to process all the images into .JPG files. The end result https://i.imgur.com/a6NQYMD.jpg

  • This is probably the simplest method there is, of course it can be made more complicated by whatever different design features you wish to include like team names, event times, round names, country flags etc. These would involve adding more columns into the .CSV file and pointing the .PSD to the right location for the information.
  • If you're using diacritics in text ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚú etc. Make sure to open the CSV in the text editor first and convert it to ANSI coding, if you don't do this it is likely that the letters will not display correctly in Photoshop.

The official TheSportsDB shared repo: https://github.com/zag2me/TheSportsDB
To share any templates, files,.. use our download section.

Youtube Video about this: Auto-Create 100s of Custom Designs using "Variables" in Photoshop!

Place for more..

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  Hawara - sports predictions
Posted by: seppo - 08-18-2024, 04:47 PM - Forum: Presentation of your projects - No Replies


i just started to integrate sportsdb into my app hawara.
my app is based on flutter, and uses appwrite as backend.


its a sports prediction / tipping game.

create your own group ( pick one of the new automated games by sportsdb ;-) ), invite your friends and see who is the best. :-)

best regards

ps: if you have ideas for improvements, or do you find a bug, please let me now here or by mail.

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  [Page Collection] - Tools by Category
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-18-2024, 01:51 PM - Forum: Instructions and tools - Replies (1)

[Page Collection] - Tools by Category:

Images - Software:

1) Adobe Photoshop
Website: https://www.adobe.com/at/products/photoshop.html
Description: Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe for Windows and macOS. It was originally created in 1987 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, the software has become the most used tool for professional digital art, especially in raster graphics editing.
Download: Adobe Photoshop Express (free) 
Download: Adobe Photoshop CS2 (free)

2) Gimp
Website: https://www.gimp.org/
Description: GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.
Download: https://www.gimp.org/downloads/

3) inkscape
Website: https://inkscape.org/
Description: Whether you are an illustrator, designer, web designer or just someone who needs to create some vector imagery, Inkscape is for you!
Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inkscape
Download: https://inkscape.org/release/
Download MS App-Store: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pd9bhglfc7h

3) Placeholder..

Images - Websites:

1) Trace Pixels To Vectors in Full Color
Website: https://vectorizer.ai/
Description: Nice new site to help with vectorizing logos. Convert your PNG and JPG images to SVG vectors quickly and easily. Works best with solid colours, but gradients can be achieved by converting to SVG then redrawing the gradient part in GIMP or Inkscape. It at least gives a good start to logo conversion.

2) Auto background remover
Website: https://www.remove.bg/
Description: Remove Image Background 100% Automatically and Free
Hint: A little tip for the remove.bg site is to resize the image square before processing the image, that way you get the best quality 500x500 image.

3) NFL Matchup Graphic Generator
Website: https://cheese-industries.github.io/Matc...Generator/
Description: JavaScript app that allows you to choose two teams, then it generates a downloadable 1280x720 png with the two team logos

Images - Browser Plugins:

1) Chrome - Linkclump
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/linkclump/lfpjkncokllnfokkgpkobnkbkmelfefj
Description: Lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at the same time. Linkclump gives you the ability to drag a selection box around links using your mouse to quickly open as new tabs, open in new window, save as bookmarks, or copy to clipboard. Similar to Snap Links or Multi Links for Firefox.

2) Chrome - zzllrr Imager Geek
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...jpnlneeplk
Description: An efficient image batch downloader that supports web page screenshots. Quickly extract images from any webiste you want.

1) Placeholder
2) Placeholder

Data - Browser Plugins:

1) Instant Data Scraper
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...ahnkdoiiah
Description: Instant Data Scraper extracts data from web pages and exports it as Excel or CSV files Instant Data Scraper is an automated data extraction tool for any website. It uses AI to predict which data is most relevant on a HTML page and allows saving it to Excel or CSV file (XLS, XLSX, CSV).
Community Support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/instantdata/

2) Visual Web Scraper
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...nfhnhmoono
Description: Easily extract data from any website and export as CSV or JSON files. With Visual Web Scraper, you can begin extracting data from any site using a visual interface within a minute. All you have to do is click on the section of the page where you want to extract data from. No technical skills are required to use it. Visual Web Scraper simplifies the scraping process while keeping you in control.

3) Session Buddy
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...blbcdcpbko
Description: Session Buddy is a tab manager that allows you to: ●  Save open tabs as collections that can be easily restored later. Great for freeing up memory and avoiding clutter. ●  Recover your open tabs after a crash. ●  See and manage all open tabs in one place. ●  Search collections to quickly find what you're looking for.

3) Talend API Tester
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...liamlcdmfm
Description: - Interact with REST or simple HTTP APIs through a visual and easy-to-use UI. View and search your call history. Edit and re-send requests from history. Save and organize your requests into projects and services. Build dynamic requests with custom variables, security and authentication. Visualise and inspect responses of different format (JSON, XML, HTML, images...) using different views (raw, pretty, preview) Validate responses with assertions (status, headers, XML and JSON body, response time...)  Easily import your Postman Collections, Swagger / OAS / OpenAPI and HAR (HTTP Archive).

3) Selenium IDE
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...ckbalphokd
Description: The new Selenium IDE is designed to record your interactions with websites to help you generate and maintain site automation, tests, and remove the need to manually step through repetitive takes. Features include: * Recording and playing back tests on Firefox and Chrome. * Organizing tests into suites for easy management. * Saving and loading scripts, for later playback. * Support for Selenium 3.

Data - Websites:

1) httpie
Website: https://httpie.io/
Description: HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time.

Videos - Browser Plugin:

1) Video Downloader Professional
Website: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail...jpinpmmpil
Description: Download videos from websites, or collect videos in your video list without downloading them. Download the videos played on a website and save them to your hard drive. Choose between different resolutions if the site supports this (e.g. Vimeo). Play MP4 videos you find on your TV via Chromecast, or directly on your Google Home. Simply add videos to your video list. There you have quick access to the videos and can play them at any time without having to return to the provider's website. You also have the option of playing the videos in any size and are not limited to 2 formats (currently available from selected video providers such as YouTube and Vimeo)

1) Placeholder
2) Placeholder

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  English Premier League - Discussions
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-17-2024, 10:24 PM - Forum: All about of Sport Events, Leagues, Bets and all other options - No Replies

English Premier League - Discussions:

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier_League
Description: The Premier League is the highest level of the English football league system. Contested by 20 clubs, it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the English Football League (EFL). Seasons usually run from August to May, with each team playing 38 matches: two against each other, one home and one away. Most games are played on weekend afternoons, with occasional weekday evening fixtures. The competition was founded as the FA Premier League on 20 February 1992, following the decision of First Division (the top-tier league from 1888 until 1992) clubs to break away from the English Football League. However, teams may still be relegated to and promoted from the EFL Championship. The Premier League takes advantage of a £5 billion television rights deal, with Sky and BT Group securing the domestic rights to broadcast 128 and 32 games, respectively. This deal will rise to £6.7 billion for the four seasons from 2025 to 2029. The league is projected to earn $7.2 billion in overseas TV rights from 2022 to 2025. The Premier League is a corporation managed by a chief executive, with member clubs acting as shareholders. Clubs were apportioned central payment revenues of £2.4 billion in 2016–17, with a further £343 million in solidarity payments to EFL clubs.
Confederation: UEFA
Founded: 20 February 1992 
Country: England

Home / Sport / Soccer / English Premier League

TV partners: Sky Sports, TNT Sports / Discovery+, Amazon Prime Video (live matches) & BBC Sport (highlights)
These are the overseas countries and channels that broadcast the Premier League.

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  [Page Collection] - Sports Information Sources by Category
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-17-2024, 08:50 PM - Forum: Add and maintain content - Replies (1)

[Page Collection] - Sports Information Sources by Category:

Category - Official event sources:

1) Olympic Games
Website: https://olympics.com/
Content: Sports, participants, schedule, results,.
Description: The official website of the Olympic Games.

2) Placeholder

Open Librarys / Free Encyclopedias:

1) Wikipedia
Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/
Content:  Sports, participants, schedule, results, much from history,.
Description: Wikipedia is a project to build an encyclopedia of free content to which you are welcome to contribute.

2) Placeholder

Player Transfer Pages:

1) Transfermarkt
Website: https://www.transfermarkt.com/
Content: The football portal with transfers, market values, rumors and statistics.
Description: This global overview shows the most recently confirmed player transfers. Relevant data such as the transferring and receiving club as well as transfer fees.

2) Placeholder
3) Placeholder

Category - Placeholder:

1) Placeholder
2) Placeholder

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Exclamation Contribution Guide - Instructions on how to help add content
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-17-2024, 07:42 PM - Forum: Add and maintain content - No Replies

Contribution Guide - Instructions on how to help add content:

  1. You must be registered on TheSportsdb.com site.
  2. Write a short post in the forum: Apply to be an editor.
  3. If you've been active in Discord for a while, maybe you'll catch ZAG and it will go faster.
  • The site is built by its users, all data and artwork you see was contributed by someone.
  • That can be from individual users, or someone who wrote a script, or commercial imports.
  • It doesn't help to constantly complain that certain things are missing.
  • There are people assigned to certain categories who take care of ongoing events; you are welcome to choose freely.


[Image: Tutorial_Uploading_Artwork.jpg]
  • Once logged in you can click on any missing artwork thumb to upload some artwork. 
  • The artwork upload page will tell you about what size and format you should submit. 
  • You can also replace artwork using the pencil icon to the right of the image
  • Example - Event: Sport / Equestrian / Olympics Equestrian / 2024 / Eventing Individual Jumping Final

Event Schedules:

[Image: Tutorial_Add_Events.jpg]
  • One of the biggest jobs on the site is to add new events to each season. 
  • We have a number of importers that can do this but they are not always reliable Sports such as Motorsport, Tennis, Fighting etc are all done manually by our users.
  • If you see something missing, just go to the league page and hit "Add Event" and add some details.
  • Example: Sport / Weightlifting / Commonwealth Games Weightlifting

Team Data:

[Image: Tutorial_Add_Players.jpg]
  • We have thousands of teams on our site and Mods can add new ones any time.
  • There are lots of teams still needing data so go ahead and click the "Edit Team" button.
  • You can add team members by clicking the 'Add Player' button to any team.
  • Example: Sport / Lacrosse / National Lacrosse League / Georgia Swarm

Player Data:

[Image: Tutorial_Edit_Players.jpg]
  • One of the biggest areas in need of improvement is the player rosters. 
  • Any user can add a player, edit and upload artwork from the team page.
  • If you see a player has transfered teams you can edit the player and change their team.
  • You can check the latest player transfers here.
  • Example: Sport / Soccer / English League 1 / Lincoln / Frederick Draper

Missing Scores:

[Image: Tutorial_Uploading_Score.jpg]
  • We have a dedicated page for missing scores from the day before here
  • Please help out by checking this as much as you can and updating the scores. 
  • You can click the search icon to search google automatically for the score. 
  • Then click the event and edit event to update the scores.

TV Schedules:

[Image: Tutorial_Add_TV.jpg]
  • TV schedules can be added from any event, just hit the Add TV button.
  • Example: Sport / Motorsport / NASCAR Cup Series / 2024 / FireKeepers Casino 400

Link collection for missing data or artwork: (See at a glance what is missing)

Player: Link
Scores: Link
Highlights: Link
Artwork: Link
Seasons: Link
Transfers: Link
Honours: Link
Stats: Link

Forum members/moderators & Discord users who are responsible for certain sports:

- Zag (Forum/Discord): Example Placeholder
- curswine (Forum/Discord): Example Placeholder
- Ovokx (Forum/Discord): Example Placeholder

Forum from: TheSportsDB.com
Discord from: TheSportsDB.com
Discord from: tsdb.club & tsdb.live (A bot posts new forum posts just to be informed on the go. Please use TheSportsDB.com for communication!)

There is also an overview of all artwork: Overview of images by name, type, format and category
And a [Page Collection] - Sports Information Sources by Category

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  Artwork by name, type, format and category
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-17-2024, 05:07 PM - Forum: Developing - TheSportsDB.com - No Replies

Overview of images by name, type, format and category:


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Badge Club crest Png 1:1 512x512LINK
Logo League logo Png 80:31 800x310LINK
Poster League poster Jpg 34:5 680x1000LINK
Trophy League trophy Png 1:1 512x512LINK
Banner League banner Jpg 200:37 1000x185LINK
Fanart League fanart - max. 4 Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Badge Season badge Png 1:1 512x512 Link
Poster Season poster Jpg 34:5 680x1000 Link


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Poster Event poster Jpg 34:5 680x1000 Link
Thumb Event thumb Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Square Poster Event square poster Jpg 1:1 700x700 Link
Fanart Event fanart - max. 1 Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Map Event Map Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Banner Event banner Jpg 200:37 1000x185LINK


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Badge Team crest Png 1:1 512x512LINK
Logo Team logo Png 80:31 800x310LINK
Equipment Clearart Team clearart Png 1:1 500x500LINK
Fanart Team fanart - max. 4 Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Banner Team banner Jpg 200:37 1000x185LINK


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Thumb Player thumb Jpg 1:1 700x700LINK
Cutout Player Cutout Png 1:1 500x500LINK
Body Render Player Full Body Render Png 1:1 700x700LINK
Fanart Player fanart - max. 4 Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Banner Player banner Jpg 200:37 1000x185LINK


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Thumb Venue thumb Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Logo Venue logo Png 80:31 800x310LINK
Fanart Venue fanart - max. 4 Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK

TV Channels:

NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Logo Channel logo Png 16:9 800x450LINK
Fanart Channel fanart - max. 1 Jpg 256:37 1280x720LINK
Banner Channel banner Jpg 200:37 1000x185LINK


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Logo Honour crest Png 1:1 512x512LINK
Trophy Honour trophy Png 1:1 512x512LINK


NameDescripton TypFormat Size WxH (pixel) Example
Logo Milestone logo Png 1:1 512x512LINK

Big thx @curswine

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  Sport categories of TheSportsdb.com
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-17-2024, 03:29 PM - Forum: Developing - TheSportsDB.com - No Replies

Sport categories of TheSportsdb.com:

Icon Sport ID Sport Format Description
[Image: soccer.png] 102 SoccerTeamvsTeam Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies, making it the world's most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal. Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers (and then only when within their penalty area). Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, but may also use any part of their body except the hands and the arms. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time or a penalty shootout depending on the format of the competition. The Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in 1863. Association football is governed internationally by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA; French: Fédération Internationale de Football Association), which organises World Cups for both men and women every four years.
[Image: motorsport.png] 103 Motorsport EventSport Motorsport or motor sport is a global term used to encompass the group of competitive sporting events which primarily involve the use of motorised vehicles, whether for racing or non-racing competition. The terminology can also be used to describe forms of competition of two-wheeled motorised vehicles under the banner of motorcycle racing, and includes off-road racing such as motocross. Four- (or more) wheeled motorsport competition is globally governed by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA); and the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) governs two-wheeled competition.
[Image: fighting.png] 104 Fighting EventSport Combat (French for fight) is a purposeful violent conflict meant to weaken, establish dominance over, or kill the opposition, or to drive the opposition away from a location where it is not wanted or needed. Combat is typically between opposing military forces in warfare. Combat violence can be unilateral, whereas fighting implies at least a defensive reaction. A large-scale fight is known as a battle. A verbal fight is commonly known as an argument. Combat effectiveness, in the strategic field, requires combat readiness. In military areas, the term is applied also to personnel, that has to receive proper training and be qualified to carry out combat operations in the unit to which they are assigned.
[Image: baseball.png] 105 Baseball TeamvsTeam Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of nine players each who take turns batting and fielding. The batting team attempts to score runs by hitting a ball (that is thrown by the opposing team's pitcher) with a bat swung by the batter, and then running counter-clockwise around a series of four bases: first, second, third, and home plate. A run is scored when a player advances around the bases and touches home plate. Players on the batting team take turns hitting against the pitcher of the fielding team, which tries to prevent runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team who reaches a base safely can later attempt to advance to subsequent bases during teammates' turns batting, such as on a hit or by other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn batting for both teams, beginning with the visiting team, constitutes an inning. A game is composed of nine innings, and the team with the greater number of runs at the end of the game wins. If scores are tied at the end of nine innings, extra innings are usually played. Baseball has no game clock, although most games end in the ninth inning. Baseball evolved from older bat-and-ball games already being played in England by the mid-18th century. This game was brought by immigrants to North America, where the modern version developed. By the late 19th century, baseball was widely recognized as the national sport of the United States. Baseball is currently popular in North America and parts of Central and South America, the Caribbean, and East Asia, particularly in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.
[Image: basketball.png] 106 Basketball TeamvsTeam Basketball is a limited-contact sport played on a rectangular court. While most often played as a team sport with five players on each side, three-on-three, two-on-two, and one-on-one competitions are also common. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.048 m) high that is mounted to a backboard at each end of the court. The game was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the basket being defended by the opposition team during regular play. A field goal scores three points for the shooting team if the player shoots from behind the three-point line, and two points if shot from in front of the line. A team can also score via free throws, which are worth one point, after the other team is assessed with certain fouls. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) is mandated when the score is tied at the end of regulation. The ball can be advanced on the court by passing it to a teammate, or by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling). It is a violation to lift, or drag, one's pivot foot without dribbling the ball, to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling. The game has many individual techniques for displaying skill—ball-handling, shooting, passing, dribbling, dunking, shot-blocking, and rebounding. Basketball teams generally have player positions, the tallest and strongest members of a team are called a center or power forward, while slightly shorter and more agile players are called small forward, and the shortest players or those who possess the best ball handling skills are called a point guard or shooting guard. The point guard directs the on court action of the team, implementing the coach's game plan, and managing the execution of offensive and defensive plays (player positioning). Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.[1] The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most significant professional basketball league in the world in terms of popularity, salaries, talent, and level of competition.[2][3] Outside North America, the top clubs from national leagues qualify to continental championships such as the Euroleague and FIBA Americas League. The FIBA Basketball World Cup and Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament are the major international events of the sport and attract top national teams from around the world. Each continent hosts regional competitions for national teams, like EuroBasket and FIBA AmeriCup. The FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup and Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament feature top national teams from continental championships. The main North American league is the WNBA (NCAA Women's Division I Basketball Championship is also popular), whereas strongest European clubs participate in the EuroLeague Women.
[Image: americanfootball.png] 107 American Football TeamvsTeamAmerican football, referred to as football in the United States and Canada, and also known as gridiron football or simply gridiron, is a team sport played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with goalposts at each end. The offense, which is the team controlling the oval-shaped football, attempts to advance down the field by running with or passing the ball, while the defense, which is the team without control of the ball, aims to stop the offense's advance and aims to take control of the ball for themselves. The offense must advance at least ten yards in four downs, or plays, and otherwise they turn over the football to the defense; if the offense succeeds in advancing ten yards or more, they are given a new set of four downs. Points are primarily scored by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone for a touchdown or kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts for a field goal. The team with the most points at the end of a game wins. American football evolved in the United States, originating from the sports of association football and rugby football. The first game of American football was played on November 6, 1869, between two college teams, Rutgers and Princeton, under rules based on the association football rules of the time. During the latter half of the 1870s, colleges playing association football switched to the Rugby Union code, which allowed carrying the ball. A set of rule changes drawn up from 1880 onward by Walter Camp, the "Father of American Football", established the snap, eleven-player teams, and the concept of downs; later rule changes legalized the forward pass, created the neutral zone, and specified the size and shape of the football. American football as a whole is the most popular sport in the United States. The most popular forms of the game are professional and college football, with the other major levels being high school and youth football. As of 2012, nearly 1.1 million high school athletes and 70,000 college athletes play the sport in the United States annually, almost all of them men, with a few exceptions. The National Football League, the most popular American football league, has the highest average attendance of any professional sports league in the world; its championship game, the Super Bowl, ranks among the most-watched club sporting events in the world, and the league has an annual revenue of around US$10 billion.
[Image: icehockey.png]108Ice HockeyTeamvsTeamIce hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. The sport is known to be fast-paced and physical, with teams usually consisting of six players each: one goaltender, and five players who skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck and score a goal against the opposing team. Ice hockey is most popular in Canada, central and eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and the United States. Ice hockey is the official national winter sport of Canada, and enjoys immense popularity; alongside Canada, ice hockey is the most popular winter sport in Belarus, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Switzerland. North America's National Hockey League (NHL) is the highest level for men's ice hockey and the strongest professional ice hockey league in the world. The Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) is the highest league in Russia and much of Eastern Europe. The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) is the formal governing body for international ice hockey, with the IIHF managing international tournaments and maintaining the IIHF World Ranking. Worldwide, there are ice hockey federations in 76 countries. Ice hockey is believed to have evolved from simple stick and ball games played in the 18th and 19th century United Kingdom and elsewhere. These games were brought to North America and several similar winter games using informal rules were developed, such as "shinny" and "ice polo". The contemporary sport of ice hockey was developed in Canada, most notably in Montreal, where the first indoor hockey game was played on March 3, 1875. Some characteristics of that game, such as the length of the ice rink and the use of a puck, have been retained to this day. Amateur ice hockey leagues began in the 1880s, and professional ice hockey originated around 1900. The Stanley Cup, emblematic of ice hockey club supremacy, was first awarded in 1893 to recognize the Canadian amateur champion and later became the championship trophy of the NHL. In the early 1900s, the Canadian rules were adopted by the Ligue Internationale de Hockey sur Glace, the precursor of the IIHF and the sport was played for the first time in the Olympics in the Olympic Games of 1920. In international competitions, the national teams of six countries (the "Big Six") predominate: Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Russia, Sweden and the United States. Of the 69 medals awarded all-time in men's competition at the Olympics, only six medals were not awarded to one of those countries. In the annual Ice Hockey World Championships, 177 of 201 medals have been awarded to the six nations. Teams outside the "Big Six" have won only five medals in either competition since 1953: The World Cup of Hockey is organized by the National Hockey League and the National Hockey League Players' Association (NHLPA), unlike the annual World Ice Hockey Championships and quadrennial Olympic tournament, both run by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). World Cup games are played under NHL rules and not those of the IIHF, and the tournament occurs prior to the NHL pre-season, allowing for all the NHL's players to be available, unlike the World Championships, which overlaps with the NHL's Stanley Cup playoffs. All 12 Women's Olympic and 36 IIHF World Women's Championships medals have been awarded to one of these six countries, and every gold medal in both competitions has been won by either the Canadian national team or the United States national team. In Canada, the United States, Scandinavia and some other European countries the sport is known simply as hockey; the name "ice hockey" is used in places where "hockey" more often refers to field hockey, such as South America, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and some European countries including the UK and Ireland.
[Image: golf.png]109GolfEventSportGolf is a club and ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible. Golf, unlike most ball games, cannot and does not utilize a standardized playing area, and coping with the varied terrains encountered on different courses is a key part of the game. The game at the highest level is played on a course with an arranged progression of 18 holes, though recreational courses can be smaller, usually 9 holes. Each hole on the course must contain a tee box to start from, and a putting green containing the actual hole or cup (4.25 inches in diameter). There are other standard forms of terrain in between, such as the fairway, rough (long grass), sand traps (or "bunkers"), and various hazards (water, rocks, fescue) but each hole on a course is unique in its specific layout and arrangement. Golf is played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes in a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play. Stroke play is the most commonly seen format at all levels, but most especially at the elite level. The modern game of golf originated in 15th century Scotland. The 18-hole round was created at the Old Course at St Andrews in 1764. Golf's first major, and the world's oldest tournament in existence, is The Open Championship, also known as the British Open, which was first played in 1860 in Ayrshire, Scotland. This is one of the four major championships in men's professional golf, the other three being played in the United States: The Masters, the U.S. Open, and the PGA Championship.
[Image: rugby.png]110RugbyTeamvsTeamRugby usually refers to rugby union or sometimes rugby league, which are both team sports, rugby union originating at Rugby School in Rugby, Warwickshire, and rugby league originating in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire after splitting and forming the Northern Union in 1896 (what is now known as rugby league). Rugby football (both league and union) is one of many versions of football played at English public schools in the 19th century.. Although rugby league initially used rugby union rules, they are now wholly separate sports. In addition to the two existing codes, both codes of Gridiron football (American football and Canadian football) have evolved from rugby football, but themselves also completely different sports altogether.
[Image: tennis.png]111TennisEventSportTennis is a racket sport that can be played individually against a single opponent (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a tennis racket that is strung with cord to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over or around a net and into the opponent's court. The object of the game is to play the ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to play a valid return. The player who is unable to return the ball will not gain a point, while the opposite player will. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society and at all ages. The sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including wheelchair users. The modern game of tennis originated in Birmingham, England, in the late 19th century as lawn tennis. It had close connections both to various field (lawn) games such as croquet and bowls as well as to the older racket sport today called real tennis. During most of the 19th century, in fact, the term tennis referred to real tennis, not lawn tennis: for example, in Disraeli's novel Sybil (1845), Lord Eugene De Vere announces that he will "go down to Hampton Court and play tennis." The rules of modern tennis have changed little since the 1890s. Two exceptions are that from 1908 to 1961 the server had to keep one foot on the ground at all times, and the adoption of the tiebreak in the 1970s. A recent addition to professional tennis has been the adoption of electronic review technology coupled with a point-challenge system, which allows a player to contest the line call of a point, a system known as Hawk-Eye. Tennis is played by millions of recreational players and is also a popular worldwide spectator sport. The four Grand Slam tournaments (also referred to as the Majors) are especially popular: the Australian Open played on hard courts, the French Open played on red clay courts, Wimbledon played on grass courts, and the US Open also played on hard courts.
[Image: cricket.png]112CricketTeamvsTeamCricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players each on a cricket field, at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard-long pitch with a target called the wicket (a set of three wooden stumps upon which two bails sit) at each end. Each phase of play is called an innings during which one team bats, attempting to score as many runs as possible, whilst their opponents field. Depending on the type of match, the teams have one or two innings apiece and, when the first innings ends, the teams swap roles for the next innings. Except in matches which result in a draw, the winning team is the one that scores the most runs, including any extras gained. Before a match begins, the two team captains meet on the pitch for the toss (of a coin) to determine which team will bat first. Two batsmen and eleven fielders then enter the field and play begins when a member of the fielding team, known as the bowler, delivers (i.e., bowls) the ball from one end of the pitch towards the wicket at the other end, which is guarded by one of the batsmen, known as the striker. In addition to the bowler, the fielding team includes the wicket-keeper, a specialist who stands behind the striker's wicket. The wicket-keeper is also the only player on the fielding side permitted to wear gloves. The nine other fielders are tactically deployed around the field by their captain, usually in consultation with the bowler.
[Image: cycling.png]113CyclingEventSportCycling, also called bicycling or biking, is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, exercise or sport.[1] Persons engaged in cycling are referred to as "cyclists", "bikers", or less commonly, as "bicyclists". Apart from two-wheeled bicycles, "cycling" also includes the riding of unicycles, tricycles, quadracycles, recumbent and similar human-powered vehicles (HPVs). Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number approximately one billion worldwide. They are the principal means of transportation in many parts of the world. Cycling is widely regarded as a very effective and efficient mode of transportation optimal for short to moderate distances. Bicycles provide numerous benefits in comparison with motor vehicles, including the sustained physical exercise involved in cycling, easier parking, increased maneuverability, and access to roads, bike paths and rural trails. Cycling also offers a reduced consumption of fossil fuels, less air or noise pollution, and much reduced traffic congestion. These lead to less financial cost to the user as well as to society at large (negligible damage to roads, less road area required). By fitting bicycle racks on the front of buses, transit agencies can significantly increase the areas they can serve. Among the disadvantages of cycling are the requirement of bicycles (excepting tricycles or quadracycles) to be balanced by the rider in order to remain upright, the reduced protection in crashes in comparison to motor vehicles, often longer travel time (except in densely populated areas), vulnerability to weather conditions, difficulty in transporting passengers, and the fact that a basic level of fitness is required for cycling moderate to long distances.
[Image: australianfootball.png]114Australian FootballTeamvsTeamAustralian rules football, officially known as Australian football, or simply called football or footy, is a contact sport played between two teams of eighteen players on an oval-shaped field, often a modified cricket ground. Points are scored by kicking the oval-shaped ball between the opposing goal posts (worth six points) or behind posts (worth one point). The team with the highest score at the end of the match wins unless a draw is declared. During general play, players may position themselves anywhere on the field and use any part of their bodies to move the ball. The primary methods are kicking, handballing and running with the ball. There are rules on how the ball can be handled: for example, players running with the ball must intermittently bounce or touch it on the ground. Throwing the ball is not allowed and players must not get caught holding the ball. A distinctive feature of the game is the mark, where players anywhere on the field who catch a ball from a kick (with specific conditions) are awarded possession. Possession of the ball is in dispute at all times except when a free kick or mark is paid. Players can tackle using their hands or use their whole body to obstruct opponents. Dangerous physical contact (such as pushing an opponent in the back), interference when marking and deliberately slowing the play are discouraged with free kicks, distance penalties or suspension for a certain number of matches, depending on the seriousness of the infringement. The game features frequent physical contests, spectacular marking, fast movement of both players and the ball and high scoring. The sport's origins can be traced to football matches played in Melbourne, Victoria in 1858, inspired by English public school football games. Seeking to develop a game more suited to adults and Australian conditions, the Melbourne Football Club published the first laws of Australian football in May 1859, making it the oldest of the world's major football codes. Australian football has the highest spectator attendance and television viewership of all sports in Australia, while the Australian Football League (AFL), the sport's only fully professional competition, is the nation's wealthiest sporting body. Its annual grand final is the highest attended club championship event in the world. The sport is also played at amateur level in many countries and in several variations. The game's rules are governed by the AFL Commission with the advice of the AFL's Laws of the Game Committee.
[Image: esports.png]115ESportsEventSportEsports (also known as electronic sports, e-sports, or eSports) is a form of competition using video games.[1] Most commonly, esports takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players and teams. Although organized online and offline competitions have long been a part of video game culture, these were largely between amateurs until the late 2000s, when participation by professional gamers and spectatorship in these events through live streaming saw a large surge in popularity.[2][3] By the 2010s, esports was a significant factor in the video game industry, with many game developers actively designing toward a professional esports subculture.
[Image: volleyball.png]116VolleyballTeamvsTeamVolleyball is a popular team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since Tokyo 1964. The complete rules are extensive, but simply, play proceeds as follows: a player on one of the teams begins a 'rally' by serving the ball (tossing or releasing it and then hitting it with a hand or arm), from behind the back boundary line of the court, over the net, and into the receiving team's court.[3] The receiving team must not let the ball be grounded within their court. The team may touch the ball up to 3 times, but individual players may not touch the ball twice consecutively. Typically, the first two touches are used to set up for an attack, an attempt to direct the ball back over the net in such a way that the serving team is unable to prevent it from being grounded in their court.
[Image: netball.png]117NetballTeamvsTeamNetball is a ball sport played by two teams of seven players. Its development, derived from early versions of basketball, began in England in the 1890s. By 1960, international playing rules had been standardised for the game, and the International Federation of Netball and Women's Basketball (later renamed the International Netball Federation (INF)) was formed. As of 2011, the INF comprises more than 60 national teams organized into five global regions. Games are played on a rectangular court with raised goal rings at each end. Each team attempts to score goals by passing a ball down the court and shooting it through its goal ring. Players are assigned specific positions, which define their roles within the team and restrict their movement to certain areas of the court. During general play, a player with the ball can hold on to it for only three seconds before shooting for a goal or passing to another player. The winning team is the one that scores the most goals. Netball games are 60 minutes long. Variations have been developed to increase the game's pace and appeal to a wider audience.
[Image: handball.png]118HandballTeamvsTeamHandball (also known as team handball, European handball or Olympic handball) is a team sport in which two teams of seven players each (six outcourt players and a goalkeeper) pass a ball using their hands with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the other team. A standard match consists of two periods of 30 minutes, and the team that scores more goals wins. Modern handball is played on a court of 40 by 20 metres (131 by 66 ft), with a goal in the middle of each end. The goals are surrounded by a 6-meter (20 ft) zone where only the defending goalkeeper is allowed; goals must be scored by throwing the ball from outside the zone or while "diving" into it. The sport is usually played indoors, but outdoor variants exist in the forms of field handball and Czech handball (which were more common in the past) and beach handball. The game is fast and high-scoring: professional teams now typically score between 20 and 35 goals each, though lower scores were not uncommon until a few decades ago. Body contact is permitted, the defenders trying to stop the attackers from approaching the goal. No protective equipment is mandated, but players may wear soft protective bands, pads and mouth guards.
[Image: snooker.png]119SnookerEventSportSnooker is a cue sport which originated among British Army officers stationed in India in the later half of the 19th century. It is played on a rectangular table covered with a green cloth, or baize, with pockets at each of the four corners and in the middle of each long side. Using a cue and 21 coloured balls, players must strike the white ball (or "cue ball") to pot the remaining balls in the correct sequence, accumulating points for each pot. An individual game, or frame, is won by the player scoring the most points. A match is won when a player wins a predetermined number of frames. Snooker gained its own identity in 1884 when army officer Sir Neville Chamberlain,[a] while stationed in Ooty, devised a set of rules that combined pyramid and life pool.[4] The word snooker was a long-used military term for inexperienced or first-year personnel. The game grew in popularity in the United Kingdom, and the Billiards Association and Control Club was formed in 1919. It is now governed by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA). The World Snooker Championship has taken place since 1927, with Joe Davis becoming a key figure in the early growth of the sport winning the championship fifteen times from 1927 to 1946. The "modern era" began in 1969 after the BBC commissioned the snooker television show Pot Black and later began to air the World Championship in 1978, leading to the sport's new peak in popularity. Ray Reardon dominated the game in the 1970s, Steve Davis in the 1980s, and Stephen Hendry in the 1990s. Since 2000, Ronnie O'Sullivan has won the most world titles, with 5. Top professional players now compete regularly around the world and earn millions of pounds. The sport has become increasingly popular in China.
[Image: fieldhockey.png]120Field HockeyTeamvsTeamField hockey is a team game of the hockey family. The earliest origins of the game date back to the Middle Ages in Pakistan. The game can be played on grass, water turf, artificial turf or synthetic field as well as an indoor board surface. Each team plays with eleven players, including the goalie. Players use sticks made out of wood, carbon fibre, fibre glass or a combination of carbon fibre and fibre glass in different quantities (with the higher carbon fibre stick being more expensive and less likely to break) to hit a round, hard, plastic ball. The length of the stick depends on the player's individual height. Only one face of the stick is allowed to be used. Goalies often have a different kind of stick, however they can also use an ordinary field hockey stick. The specific goal-keeping sticks have another curve at the end of the stick, this is to give them more surface area to save the ball. The uniform consists of shin guards, shoes, shorts, a mouth guard and a jersey. Today, the game is played globally, mainly in parts of Western Europe, South Asia, Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and parts of the United States (primarily New England and the Mid-Atlantic states). Known simply as "hockey" in many territories, the term "field hockey" is used primarily in Canada and the United States where ice hockey is more popular. In Sweden, the term "landhockey" is used and to some degree also in Norway where it is governed by Norway's Bandy Association.
[Image: darts.png]121DartsEventSportDarts is a sport in which small missiles are thrown at a circular target ("dartboard") fixed to a wall. Though various boards and rules have been used in the past, the term "darts" usually now refers to a standardised game involving a specific board design and set of rules. As well as being a professional competitive game, darts is a traditional pub game, commonly played in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, across the Commonwealth, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, the United States, Australia and elsewhere.
[Image: athletics.png]122AthleticsEventSportAthletics is a group of sporting events that involves competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross country running, and racewalking.
[Image: badminton.png]123BadmintonEventSportBadminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most common forms of the game are "singles" and "doubles".
[Image: climbing.png]124ClimbingEventSportClimbing is the activity of using one's hands, feet, or any other part of the body to ascend a steep topographical object. It is done for locomotion, recreation and competition, and within trades that rely on ascension; such as emergency rescue and military operations.
[Image: equestrian.png]125EquestrianEventSportEquestrianism, commonly known as horse riding (British English) or horseback riding (American English), includes the disciplines of riding, driving, and vaulting. This broad description includes the use of horses for practical working purposes, transportation, recreational activities, artistic or cultural exercises, and competitive sport.
[Image: gymnastics.png]127GymnasticsEventSportGymnastics is a sport that includes physical exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and endurance. The movements involved in gymnastics contribute to the development of the arms, legs, shoulders, back, chest, and abdominal muscle groups. Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills.
[Image: shooting.png]128ShootingEventSportShooting is the act or process of discharging a projectile from a ranged weapon (such as a gun, bow, crossbow, slingshot, or blowpipe). Even the acts of launching flame, artillery, darts, harpoons, grenades, rockets, and guided missiles can be considered acts of shooting. When using a firearm, the act of shooting is often called firing as it involves initiating a combustion (deflagration) of chemical propellants.
[Image: extremesports.png]129Extreme SportsEventSportSkateboarding is an action sport originating in the United States that involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard, as well as a recreational activity, an art form, an entertainment industry job, and a method of transportation.
[Image: tabletennis.png]130Table TennisEventSportTable tennis, also known as ping-pong and whiff-whaff, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball, also known as the ping-pong ball, back and forth across a table using small rackets. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, the rules are generally as follows: players must allow a ball played toward them to bounce one time on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side at least once. A point is scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quick reactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and limits an opponent's options, giving the hitter a great advantage.
[Image: multisports.png]131Multi SportsEventSportA pentathlon is a contest featuring five events.
[Image: watersports.png]132WatersportsEventSportSports based in the water.
[Image: weightlifting.png]133WeightliftingEventSportOlympic weightlifting, or Olympic-style weightlifting, often simply referred to as weightlifting, is a sport in which the athlete attempts a maximum-weight single lift of a barbell loaded with weight plates.
[Image: Skiing.png]134SkiingEventSportSkiing is the use of skis to glide on snow. Variations of purpose include basic transport, a recreational activity, or a competitive winter sport. Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee, and the International Ski Federation.
[Image: skating.png]135SkatingEventSportIce skating is the self-propulsion and gliding of a person across an ice surface, using metal-bladed ice skates. People skate for various reasons, including recreation, exercise, competitive sports, and commuting.
[Image: wintersports.png]136WintersportsEventSportWinter sports or winter activities are competitive sports or non-competitive recreational activities which are played on snow or ice. Most are variations of skiing, ice skating and sledding.
[Image: lacrosse.png]137LacrosseEventSportLacrosse is a team sport played with a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball. It is the oldest organized sport in North America, with its origins with the indigenous people of North America as early as the 12th century. The game was extensively modified by European colonists, reducing the violence, to create its current collegiate and professional form.
[Image: gambling.png]138GamblingEventSportGambling (also known as betting or gaming) is the wagering of something of value ("the stakes") on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration (an amount wagered), risk (chance), and a prize.[1] The outcome of the wager is often immediate, such as a single roll of dice, a spin of a roulette wheel, or a horse crossing the finish line, but longer time frames are also common, allowing wagers on the outcome of a future sports contest or even an entire sports season.

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Overview of the possibilities of the API V2 of TheSportsdb.com

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  Overview of the possibilities of the API V1 of TheSportsdb.com
Posted by: TheSportsDBFan - 08-17-2024, 12:06 AM - Forum: Developing - TheSportsDB.com - No Replies

Overview of the possibilities of the API V1 of TheSportsdb.com

There are 2 types of API calls.:

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Search for all players from team "/api/v1/json/3/searchplayers.php?t=Arsenal" Link Premium
Search for players by name 1 "/api/v1/json/3/searchplayers.php?p=Danny_Welbeck" Link -
Search for players by name 2 "/api/v1/json/{APIKEY}/searchplayers.php?t={TeamName}&p={Playername}" Link {APIKEY} = 3, Team: Arsenal, Player: Gabriel_Jesus

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Search for event by event name 1 "/api/v1/json/3/searchevents.php?e=Arsenal_vs_Chelsea" Link -
Search for event by event name 2 "/api/v1/json/3/searchevents.php?e=Arsenal_vs_Chelsea&s=2016-2017" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Search for event by event file name "/api/v1/json/3/searchfilename.php?e=English_Premier_League_2015-04-26_Arsenal_vs_Chelsea" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Search for venue "/api/v1/json/3/searchvenues.php?t=Wembley" Link -

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=> You can replace spaces between multi word strings with underscores: Arsenal_vs_Chelsea


DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all sports "/api/v1/json/3/all_sports.php" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all leagues "/api/v1/json/3/all_leagues.php" Link limited 50 on free tier

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all countries "/api/v1/json/3/all_countries.php" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all Leagues in a country 1 "/api/v1/json/3/search_all_leagues.php?c=England" Link limited 50 on free tier
List all Leagues in a country 2 "/api/v1/json/3/search_all_leagues.php?c=England&s=Soccer" Link limited 50 on free tier

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all Seasons in a League "/api/v1/json/3/search_all_seasons.php?id=4328" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all Teams in a League 1 "/api/v1/json/3/search_all_teams.php?l=English%20Premier%20League" Link -
List all Teams in a League 2 "/api/v1/json/3/search_all_teams.php?s=Soccer&c=Spain" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List All teams details in a league by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookup_all_teams.php?id=4328" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List All players in a team by Team Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookup_all_players.php?id=133604" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all users loved teams and players "/api/v1/json/3/searchloves.php?u=zag" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List all events from season "/api/v1/json/3/eventsseason.php?id=4424&s=2019" Link Premium (developer key is limited to 250 events)

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
League Details by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupleague.php?id=4346" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Team Details by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupteam.php?id=133604" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Player Details by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupplayer.php?id=34145937" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Venue Details by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupvenue.php?id=16163" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Event Details by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupevent.php?id=441613" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Event Statistics by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupeventstats.php?id=1032723" Link Premium only

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Event Lineup by Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookuplineup.php?id=1032723" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
List timeline for events by event ID "/api/v1/json/3/lookuptimeline.php?id=1032718" Link Premium only

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Player Honours by Player Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookuphonours.php?id=34147178" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Player Milestones by Player Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupmilestones.php?id=34161397" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Player Former Teams by Player Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupformerteams.php?id=34147178" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Player Contracts by Player Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookupcontracts.php?id=34147178" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Event Results by Event Id "/api/v1/json/3/eventresults.php?id=652890" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Event TV by Event Id "/api/v1/json/3/lookuptv.php?id=584911" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Lookup Table by League ID and Season "/api/v1/json/3/lookuptable.php?l=4328&s=2020-2021" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Lookup Equipment by Team ID "/api/v1/json/3/lookupequipment.php?id=133597" Link -

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Next 5 Events by Team Id "/api/v1/json/3/eventsnext.php?id=133602" Link Premium
Next 15 Events by League Id "/api/v1/json/3/eventsnextleague.php?id=4328" Link Premium
Last 5 Events by Team Id "/api/v1/json/3/eventslast.php?id=133602" Link Limited to home team for free tier
Last 15 Events by League Id "/api/v1/json/3/eventspastleague.php?id=4328" Link Premium
Events in a specific round by league id/round/season "/api/v1/json/3/eventsround.php?id=4328&r=38&s=2014-2015" Link -
Events on a specific day "/api/v1/json/3/eventsday.php?d=2014-10-10" Link Premium
Events on a specific day "/api/v1/json/3/eventsday.php?d=2014-10-10&s=Soccer" Link Premium
Events on a specific day "/api/v1/json/3/eventsday.php?d=2014-10-10&l=4356" Link Premium
Events on a specific day "/api/v1/json/3/eventsday.php?d=2014-10-10&l=Australian_A-League" Link Premium
All events in specific league by season "/api/v1/json/3/eventsseason.php?id=4328&s=2014-2015" Link Free tier limited to 100 events

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
TV Events on a day (By Sport/Date/TV Station Country) "/api/v1/json/3/eventstv.php?d=2018-07-07" Link Premium
TV Events on a day (By Sport/Date/TV Station Country) "/api/v1/json/3/eventstv.php?d=2018-07-07&s=Fighting" Link Premium
TV Events on a day (By Sport/Date/TV Station Country) "/api/v1/json/3/eventstv.php?d=2019-09-28&a=United%20Kingdom&s=Cycling" Link Premium
TV Events on a day (By Sport/Date/TV Station Country) "/api/v1/json/3/eventstv.php?c=Peacock_Premium" Link Premium

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NOTE: These round numbers relate to special strings:
Round 125 = Quarter-Final
Round 150 = Semi-Final
Round 160 = Playoff
Round 170 = Playoff Semi-Final
Round 180 = Playoff Final
Round 200 = Final
Round 500 = Pre-Season

Video Highlights:

DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 1 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php" Link Premium
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 2 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php?d=2019-10-13" Link Premium
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 3 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php?d=2019-10-12&l=WTA%20Tour" Link Premium
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 4 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php?l=MLB" Link Premium
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 5 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php?i=4329" Link Premium
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 6 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php?s=Soccer" Link Premium
Latest Event Youtube Highlights 7 "/api/v1/json/3/eventshighlights.php?s=Soccer&d=2020-02-15" Link Premium

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DescriptionUrl Link Hint
Soccer "/api/v1/json/3/latestsoccer.php" Link Premium
NCAA Basketball "/api/v1/json/3/latestncaabasketball.php" Link Premium - not working
NCAA Football "/api/v1/json/3/latestncaafootball.php" Link Premium - not working
Basketball "/api/v1/json/3/latestbasketball.php" Link Premium
Am Football "/api/v1/json/3/latestamericanfootball.php" Link Premium
Ice Hockey "/api/v1/json/3/latesticehockey.php" Link Premium
Baseball "/api/v1/json/3/latestbaseball.php" Link Premium - not working

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NOTE: Updated LIVE every 2mins for Patreon/Premium
=> V2 is now recommended for livescore


Most of the time you won't want to download the original large image. 
This is possible simple by adding ''/preview'' or "/medium",.. onto the end URL.
DescriptionSize Url Link
Original fullsize "/images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg Link
Medium 500px height "/images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg/medium Link
Small 250px height "/images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg/small Link
Preview 200px height "/images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg/preview Link
Tiny 50px height "/images/media/league/badge/pdd43f1610891709.png/tiny Link

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